
Materials: printer paper, writing utensil, two 6-sided dice, relaxing music, optional attached worksheets and calendar

Concept: You are a farmer who just moved into town. 
You had family that lived here a while ago, but not anymore. 
The town has seen better days, and you are here to help.

== There Are Four Stats: 
Farm - Your Home	
Villagers - Who Lives in Town
Town - The Community	
Nature - The Life All Around You

These represent focuses that you will have each week. 
These focuses all start with a value of 0. 
Each week, you will assign 6 points to these focuses. 
This determines what you are doing for that week.

==We Play on a Calendar: The game is notated on a four-month calendar, representing a year. 
Each month is 4 weeks of 7 days, a total of 28 days a month, there are 112 days in a year. 
Each month has two focuses that provide a bonus.

==This Game is About Helping: There are problems within each of the focuses. 
These problems need to be solved for the town to survive. 
You may not realize it at first, but eventually, you realize that you can help make this town wonderful.

The Roleplaying

One: For each focus, come up with THREE problems related to them. Examples: 

Farm - caved in greenhouse, overgrown field. 
Villagers - struggling with work, sad teenagers. 
Town - no carpenter, box store, empty buildings. 
Nature - junked river, overgrown trails
Two: Set up calendar. Four weeks of 7 days each. Four months, one for each season. 
Pick a day for your birthday. Write Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter over each month. 
Each month has two focuses that get a 1-point bonus when assigning points. 

Spring: Farm, Nature	
Summer: Town, Nature
Fall: Farm, Villagers	
Winter: Villagers, Town
Three: Starting with Week 1, allocate 6 points across your 4 focuses. Base Values:  F0 V0 T0 N0

Nothing can be higher than a 5. This includes the bonus points from the season, and the increases from Step Six. 
The higher the number, the more you are focusing on it for that week

Use these shapes to mark what your focus is for the week on each day of the week.
Four: Play out your week. Each day, roll two six-sided dice. 
-Take the lowest number first. 
If it is lower than your highest focus, then you succeed in that focus. 
Color in the shape to show success.

-If the lowest dice is not lower, then something doesn’t go according to plan. 
Cross it out to show that there was a setback or complication.

-Take the second dice. Check if it is lower than any other focuses. 
If so, you can choose to also get a success in one of those focuses. 
Draw the shape for the focus on the calendar to show an additional success in that focus.

-If you succeed in multiples in either step, pick only one focus for each. Mark down your successes. That means max 2 successes per day. 
Five: For every week, consider these questions based on your focus, successes, and setbacks.
Farm - What did you work on or what did you learn on your farm? 
Villagers - Who did you meet or what did you learn with your fellow villagers?
Town - What did you do or what did you learn about the town itself?
Nature - What did you find or what did you learn out in nature?

Write down your answers, including names, stores, birthdays, festivals, weddings, heartbreaks, 
dates, first kisses, family meals, new arrivals, sudden departures, happy times, sad times. 

Mark important dates on your calendar and remember them every year.
Six: For every 10 successes in a focus, solve one of the problems in the focus. 
Ask the question: How did you solve it? What did it do to change the town? 

From that day on, increase your Base values in that focus one point higher. 

The game ends when you have solved each problem.